About Kathleen
Growing up in regional Victoria, Kathleen spent a lot of time outdoors, climbing trees, collecting pine cones and camping. Since moving to the suburbs of Naarm/Melbourne, she has always found pockets of green and blue to experience joy, wonder, connection and relaxation. Time in nature was really important during the decades spent in the corporate world and academia. She is now available to guide others to experience the benefits of connecting with nature. Book a nature-based wellbeing session with Kathleen; she is looking forward to guiding you to spend some time mindfully in beautiful natural environments.
With a PhD in Environmental Psychology, Kathleen has a deep understanding of how our environments influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. She is a certified Forest Therapy guide, mindfulness facilitator and nature journaling educator. specialises in the transformative benefits of spending time in nature, for both adults and children.
Get in touch to learn how workshops can be tailored to your group.​

Qualifications and selected courses
PhD Environme ntal Psychology (Monash University)
Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences, Bachelor of Science (Honours, Psychology)
Certified Nature and Forest Therapy guide (accredited with the International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance; INFTA)
Nature Connectedness: For a new relationship with nature (University of Derby, MOOC)
First Aid Certificate
Mental Health First Aid (Community) Certificate
Police Check
Working With Children Check
Parks Victoria Licensed Tour Operator
​Public Liability and Professi onal Indemnity Insurances

In the media
To hear Kathleen speak about the benefits of nature, particularly for children, see television programs or radio interviews:
“Searching for Superhuman”, Series 1 Episode 4 Spark Of Life (aired ABC 18 November 2020) watch here
“Natural Play”, ABC Catalyst Program (aired 2 October 2014) watch here
“Nature Deficit Disorder” on Open House Program on (23 May 2010) with Sheridan Voysey listen here
“Greening the Psyche” for All in the Mind program on Radio National (16 February 2008) with Natasha Miller listen here
Academic background
Kathleen turned to formally exploring nature after 10 years of administrative and project management roles in the corporate world. Her PhD thesis drew on environmental psychology and positive psychology to understand environmental features that support optimal functioning.
Over the last twenty years, Kathleen has spoken about the importance of environments for physical and mental health – teaching at multiple universities, speaking at international and national conferences, and diverse organisations including the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and community organisations.
Kathleen has published over 50 scientific papers in international, peer-reviewed journals, including five specifically on understanding the relationships between natural environments and children, and associated benefits. She also completes peer reviews for multiple scientific journals including the Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environment and Behavior, and Children’s Geographies.

If you would like to know more or would like to book me for a session, please get in touch.