About Forest Therapy and
Nature Immersion sessions

What is Forest Therapy?
Forest Therapy is an evidence-based public health practice that can improve your physical and mental health, and overall wellbeing. It has been developed from the well-established Japanese practice called 'Shinrin-yoku' which translates to 'bathing in the forest atmosphere' or 'immersing into the forest'. Sessions follow a standardised sequence as based on the International Core Curriculum for Forest Therapy.
Nature Immersions are similar but are more flexible in their duration, content and locations.
Importantly, both are supported by scientific evidence showing a range of benefits from spending time in nature.
All sessions are tailored for the participants, location and the day (e.g., weather, time).

What happens during a session?
During a Forest Therapy or Nature Immersion session, a trained guide will support you to slowly wander, follow your curiosity, drawing on all your senses to be present and connect with nature mindfully. Sessions are much more than a walk in the park or a hike in the bush. Each session includes a slow guided walk involving sensory, creative and gentle physical activities in a beautiful, natural setting. We walk around 1-2 kilometres over 2-3 hours, and each session concludes with an Australianised tea ceremony.
We will be walking slowly, mostly in quietness. At times, we will spend some time sitting on the ground. Usually, we will be in the shade, but occasionally we may walk or sit in an open space. Your guide will suggest activities that have been designed to relax and calm busy minds so you can best receive the medicine of nature. You can choose to complete them, change them or even not do them. It is entirely up to you.

Why do I need a guide?
A certified guide has received specialised training to consider an appropriate location, including trail identification and risk assessment processes. When designing sessions, your guide will not only consider the natural environment, but also the size of the group, any particular participant requirements as well as details such as the weather or what nature is offering at the time.
Having a guide helps support participants to slow down, immerse into the space and quieten the day-to-day busy monkey mind. Guides are skilled in tailoring sessions as needed.
And even certified guides like to be taken on a guided forest therapy walk!
When considering participating in a forest therapy session, please check that your guide is certified.
Kathleen is an extremely skilled Forest Therapy Guide who provided an incredible, informative and immersive therapeutic experience.
Give this a go! You will only know what this is like when you experience it yourself. Kathleen is a great guide.
Kathleen was a very knowledgeable guide and made it easy for us to get the most out of the experience.
The Forest Therapy session led by Kathleen was a very informative and lovely experience. I felt relaxed, energised, and more positive at the end.